Privacy Policy or by phone at +34 955 913 115, Monday through Friday from 7 am to 3 pm.

For what purpose do we treat your data?

In Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® we will process your data in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on personal data protection, according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), manually and/or automatically with the following purposes:

  • Manage and develop the registration on the Web. The registration will involve the development of user navigation profiles on the Web. Said profiling consists in the use of the client’s personal data and navigation information such as the products seen or added to the basket, the sections of the Web visited, the location to evaluate their preferences and/or personal interests with the objective of offering the contents of the Web, offers, services and products appropriate to your profile.
  • Manage and develop online shopping. We use the client’s personal information to process and deliver your order, and inform you by email and/or by sms of the status of your order.
  • Respond to inquiries, questions raised or any request made by the user on the Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® Web, in any of the contact forms that are made available to them.
  • Send offers, promotions, gifts, sweepstakes and valuable news through mail, app, postal, telephone and/or sms, with prior consent and unless otherwise indicated or the user opposes or revokes their consent. These communications will be made by Aurora Intelligent Nutrition®, and will be related to your products and services, or by your collaborators or suppliers with whom you have reached an agreement. The sending of this information will imply the elaboration of user profiles that consists of using personal data, the history of their purchases if applicable, as well as the navigation information on the Web to evaluate certain aspects.
  • Manage the alert service for when a certain product is available on the Web.
  • Comply with legally established obligations.
  • The data submitted or the sending of curriculum by other means, will be treated with the purpose of making selection processes and maintaining communication with the candidate.

The content of the communications will be customized, as well as the products or services based on the interests of the client. You can manage communications from the My Account section.

What kind of information do we collect?

Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® can collect the following personal information from users on its website through the corresponding forms: name, email address, postal address, telephone number, date of birth, gender and credit card (PAN + CVV2 ) in compliance with the PCI DSS standards or account number (provided by the customer in case of return) when the user visits the WEB, registers, makes an online order, contacts Aurora Intelligent Nutrition®, signs up for the blog, It makes us inquiries and / or participates in promotions or raffles.

In addition, Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® collects all the information related to your browsing on the Web and your interaction with the brand.

All personal data that Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® collects comes from the interested party, except for the contact information that can be provided to us by friends or family:

– Purchases or other web services.

– Referral program.

How long do we keep your data?

Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® will keep your data for the duration of the established contractual / commercial relationship and there is a mutual interest, and subsequently, during the legally established deadlines for the resolution of possible liabilities arising from it. In case of requesting the deletion of your data, these will be eliminated with the appropriate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the same.

Data related to payments and billing will be kept for the periods established in the corresponding economic/accounting and fiscal regulations.

What legitimizes us for the treatment of your data?

Execution of the contract

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data of the interested party that is collected is the execution of the contract of sale. In this sense, the interested party is obliged to provide the data that is necessary for its execution. If you do not provide us with this information, it will not be possible to carry out the sale.

Legal obligations

The management and issuance of the sales invoice is based on the legal obligation of Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® in its relationship with customers.


In relation to the following purposes, the legal basis for the processing of the personal data of the interested party will be the consent of the interested party, if it has been provided:

– Registration management on the Web

– Management of the subscription to our newsletter, the sending of the contact form, any type of consultation through the available means or the sending of your curriculum. The legitimizing basis of the treatment is the consent of the interested party who voluntarily subscribes.

– Management of product availability alerts service on the Web.

– Response to the exercise of ARCO rights, inquiries and claims by the interested party.

– Management of sending information about exclusive promotions, latest news and personalized information adapted to the profile of the interested party.

The withdrawal of the consent of these treatments by the interested party will not condition the execution of the contract of sale concluded between it and Aurora Intelligent Nutrition®.

Legitimate interest

In relation to the following purposes, the legal basis for the processing of the personal data of the interested party will be the legitimate interest of Aurora Intelligent Nutrition®:

– The elaboration of profiles by browsing the Web by a user registered in it, as well as all those users who have provided us with their data for any other purpose.

– The development of profiles for sending information about exclusive promotions, latest news and personalized information adapted to the profile of the interested party.

– The sending of satisfaction surveys on the products purchased or services used by Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® customers to request their opinion and improve them.

Our legitimate interest is to ensure that our Web remains secure, as well as to help Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® understand the needs, expectations and level of satisfaction of users and, therefore, improve services, products and brands. All these actions are carried out in order to improve the level of customer satisfaction and ensure a unique browsing and shopping experience.

To which recipients can we communicate the data?

Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® does not sell customer data to third parties. Your contact information will be transferred to companies and suppliers that provide services to Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® (transport companies for shipping management, tax advice for tax treatment, banks and financial entities for the collection of services offered, hosting companies of our servers and databases for the treatment of online communications and agencies for advertising purposes). All of them have regularized with us access to that data for the purpose exclusively described here.

Public Administrations and Organizations when required by fiscal, labor, Social Security or any other applicable regulations.

Your data will be communicated in the cases in which it is necessary for the fulfillment of the established contractual relationship and in the cases provided by law. International transfers of data to recipients located in countries outside the European Economic Area are not foreseen, including countries that provide a level of data protection equivalent to that of the European Union.

How does Aurora Intelligent Nutrition protect personal data?

The Website uses information security techniques such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to the data and guaranteeing its confidentiality. To achieve these purposes, the user accepts that Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of the access controls

Additionally, any transaction made through the Web is carried out through secure payment systems. Confidential payment data is transmitted directly and in an encrypted form (SSL) to the corresponding entity.

Aurora Intelligent Nutrition®  states that it has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it treats, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorized third parties.

What are your rights in relation to personal data?

You have the following rights that can be exercised through the email address

Right of access You have the right to obtain confirmation about whether Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® is treating personal data that concerns you, or not, as well as to access the personal data that Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® has available to you.
Right of rectification You have the right to request that Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® rectify personal data when they are inaccurate or complete when they are incomplete.
Right of suppression You can request that the personal data be deleted when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.
Right of limitation You have the right to request the limitation of the data processing, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
Right of Portability You have the right to receive personal data in a structured format, for common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit it to another person responsible when the processing is based on consent or a contract, and is carried out by automated means.
Right of Opposition It can be opposed that the personal data are subject to a treatment based on the public or legitimate interest pursued by Aurora Intelligent Nutrition®, including the elaboration of profiles. In this case, Aurora Intelligent Nutrition® will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
Right to file a claim You have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

To process the request, we may ask you to prove your identity.

Last Updated: September 01th, 2020.

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