Bars manufacturers

At Aurora Intelligent Nutrition, we have been developing and manufacturing all kinds of bars in our facilities since 2006. Chocolate dipped, nutty, layered, keto, protein bars… And always full of innovation!

In order to internationalise and deseasonalise our production, which before this point was based on the production of traditional Christmas sweets, we decided to invest in innovation and food technology by developing our first protein bar in 2006 with milk protein.

Since then, we have not stopped developing different types of bars according to the new trends and needs of the market: low sugar bars, sugar-free bars, healthy bars… Moreover, our bars are distributed to customers all over the world.

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In addition, thanks to our efforts in R+D+i we have new alternative protein sources for our bars. For the last 5 years we have been developing bars with insect protein, specifically, Tenebrio Molitor. With its legalisation last year, we were able to bring them to market with our customers and present them at various trade fairs, obtaining second place in innovation in the testing zone of Vitafoods 2022.

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